We develop software to resolve and minimize production and maintenance non conformities, using machine learning and language processing. Creation of algorithms to suggest repairs, identification of root causes, corrective actions and similar cases that help reducing the associated cost and lead times and ultimately, reducing the number of non conformities in the process.


Mission Statement

“Develop software to help professionals with their decision making process, taking advantage of the available data, cumulative experience and automation of non added value tasks.”

Zinkcloud was created with one goal in mind, create software tools to be used for engineering professionals to eliminate non-added value tasks on their work processes. The philosophy behind this reasoning is simple. If engineers in any industry and field get rid of these non-productive tasks, they will available extra time for productive tasks, innovation efforts and investigative processes to move forward and become better. As engineers, ourselves, first we focused on solving our own problem on how to provide repairs and justifications for manufacturing non-conformities in the aerospace industry.


Zinkcloud is a start up company, based in Madrid (Spain) founded in 2013.

This mindset has been proved a very valuable tool because it allows to incorporate users suggestions into the tools during the development process, making it highly customizable. Most of Zinkcloud’s activities has been developed inside the aeronautical sector, since it is the main background of the founders team. However, Zinkcloud’s tools are being currently adapted to customer service activities, software maintenance, rail sector,…


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam posuere ante ut tellus gravida mattis. Praesent purus sem, sollicitudin nec est sed, gravida gravida nisl. Pellentesque eget eros vitae lectus semper aliquam elementum ut ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur gravida dapibus blandit. Cras ante tellus, egestas at tellus ac, porttitor rutrum odio. Nunc eu pulvinar arcu. Cras pulvinar dolor velit, non luctus ligula ornare et. Duis ut rutrum odio, quis convallis ipsum. Phasellus dictum ex sed ante sodales, vel cursus magna congue. Nullam a tincidunt odio. Suspendisse vitae tempus sem, vestibulum tempus enim. Sed ornare dolor ut ornare bibendum. Etiam lacinia, sapien nec fermentum semper, neque magna suscipit risus, feugiat sollicitudin tellus eros ac ipsum. Phasellus tristique, massa semper posuere rhoncus, sapien lorem commodo nunc, id suscipit dolor enim in urna.



Calle Francisco Alonso 2, Office 8

Phone: +34 916 333 014 (dial #2) / +34 626 388 869

Email: zinkcloud@zinkcloud.com

CIF: B-86694932


In March 2017, Zinkcloud was awarded with the NEOTEC grant from the CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) depending from the spanish Industry Ministry. The main objective of this grant is to finance the R+D projects presented.

In October 2015, Zinkcloud was awarded with the H2020 SME Phase 1 Instrument from the European Comission. The main objective was the validation of the business model and value proposition for the potential customers.

Zinkcloud has received grants from the European Union Social Funds through the programm "Incentivos para la contratación por cuenta ajena de trabajadores desempleados, en especial de mayores de 45 años y mujeres con especiales dificultades de inserción." from the regional goverment of Madrid, that incentivates job opportunities for unemployed people, over 45 years old and women with special difficulties.